GP-241 - Chapitre 1

The TV repairman

Sandrine's telly is on the blink and she has called in a repairman. But the guy can't keep his hands to himself and when he leaves he's crawling on the floor, his balls hurt him so much!

Le réparateur TV

La télé de Sandrine est en panne, elle a fait appel à un réparateur qui a un peu la main baladeuse !... A la fin il part en rampant tellement qu'il a mal au couille !...

Il tecnico della tv

Sandrine ha problemi alla tv ed ha chiamato il tecnico. Ma il tecnico allunga le mani un pò troppo e alla fine si ritrova a terra con un gran dolore ai coglioni


Bande annonce DVD GP-241

Durée 1 minutes 50 - Taille 8.24 Mo
Format wmv

GP-241 - Chapitre 1

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