GP-023 - Chapitre 3
Blind Man’s Bluff Cheny and Anna, at their best, are blindfolding their victim to play with him at their will. Excited by a sudden feeling of power, they will methodically destroy him. One after the other, both together, finally destroying him totally. Having made their victim blind, will not change anything about this result. The girls are so looking forward to enjoy their new toy.
This video has English sub-titles.
Cheny et Anna au meilleur de leur forme, vont bander les yeux de leur victime afin de s’en amuser à loisir. Déchaînées par cette soudaine sensation de pouvoir, elles vont méthodiquement l’atomiser à tour de rôle ou ensemble pour l’anéantir progressivement. Où finalement avoir eu les yeux bandés, ne changera pas grand-chose à son sort, tant les filles semblent s’amuser de leur nouveau jouet.
Clip sous-titré en Anglais.
Il trucco dell'uomo cieco
Cheny ed Anna stanno bendando un uomo per giocarci. Eccitate dalla sensazione di potere che hanno su di lui, lo distruggeranno in maniera metodica, una dopo l'altra e poi assieme lo ridurranno al tappeto completamente distrutto.
Clip sottotitolata in inglese. ---------------------------------------------------------------
GP-023 - Chapitre 3
Lire avant de commander - Please read before ordering