GP-003 - Chapitre 7
The Attacked Attacker
The first clip with a brand-new Girl Power, Cheny. In her first appearance, the young star already looks very skilled and in control of her art, as she dominates from beginning to the end. During this sensual wrestling scene, she batters and humiliates her hapless opponent in many ways. We discover here a young actress, full of gentleness and femininity , but also with the qualities of power and tenacity, that will surely grow with each coming clip. Let us not forget that she has one very important talent. She really enjoys beating and dominating men..
Le premier clip d’une toute nouvelle Girl Power, Cheny. Pour cette première œuvre, la jeune star y apparaît déjà bien à son aise et maîtresse de son art, tant elle domine de bout en bout cette scène de lutte sensuelle, maltraitant et humiliant son imprudent adversaire, des pires façons imaginables. On découvre ici cette jeune actrice, incroyable de douceur et de féminité, mais aussi de force et de détermination, des qualités qui s’affirmeront encore davantage lors les prochains clips, mais qui ne feront jamais oublier sa particularité unique, à savoir le plaisir si visible qu’elle prend, à vaincre et dominer un homme.
L'aggressore aggredito
La prima clip con la nuova Girl Power Cheny. Nella sua prima apparizione, la giovane stella, si dimostra molto brava nelle arti marziali e nella dominazione. Durante questa sensuale lotta, lei batte ed umilia il suo avversario in molti modi. Scopriamo qui una giovane attrice, piena di grazia e femminilita' ma anche potente e tenace, che sicuramente crescera' nelle prossime clip. Non dimentichiamoci che ha un importantissimo pregio: lei veramente si diverte a battere dominare ed umiliare i maschi!
GP-003 - Chapitre 7
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