The Drag Here is our first humorous clip from Girl Power. This is the story of a man who is very slow when he wakes up and not really disposed to hurry up and get ready. This infuriates the very beautiful Anna, who will try many ways to speed him up. She will try by punching him, kicking him and then humiliating him in the worst ways, but nothing will work on him. The man just carries on, still stoic and unflinching, as if she was not there. This clip has many amusing sequences, cleverly compiled and will make you laugh again...and again
This video has English sub-titles.
Le boulet
Premier clip comique de Girl Power. C’est l’histoire d’un homme assez lent au réveil et peu enclin à se dépêcher pour se préparer. Ceci rendra hystérique de colère la très belle Anna, qui va passer son temps à essayer de le faire accélérer. Elle aura beau le rouer de coups et l’humilier des pires façons qui soient, le garçon traversera les évènements, imperturbable, comme si de rien n’était. Un clip plein de scènes cocasses et monté avec beaucoup d’humour, où on rit de bon cœur.
Clip sous-titré en Anglais.
La strega
Questa e' la prima clip umoristica del nostro sito, questa e' la storia di un uomo lento a svegliarsi e non molto disposto a fare le cose veloci. Questo fa infiruare Anna che tentera' molte volte di velocizzarlo. Ci provera' coplendolo con dei pugni, con dei calci e quindi umiliandolo nel peggiore dei modi ma niente sembra funzionare. L'uomo tira dirtto come se non fosse li'. Questa clip ha vari momenti di ilarita' e vi fara' ridere moltissimo.
Clip sottotitolata in inglese.
Durée 2:21 minutes - Taille 9,02 Mo
Format wmv
GP-025 - Chapitre 2
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